You are able to filter the information shown on your calendar - only display certain events based on their staff assignment, account, status, event type, room, etc. You may also:
- Color code your calendar based on status, room, event type, business classification, and genre. See Color Coding Your Event Calendar.
- Choose what information displays for each event as well as if events should span across days or appear as single-day events. See Event Calendar Display Options about display options.
You are able to save your changes to use again by creating custom calendar views.
To access the filtering options, click the filter_list filter icon in the upper right.
You may filter events by:
- The staff person assigned to any of your event staff assignments. This option allows you to see a view of "your" events.
- The account associated with the events.
- The overall status of the event. You can create a confirmed-only view, or even create an inactive view so that you can see released holds and lost business at a glance. Please note that this filter looks at the overall event status, not individual booked space statuses. If you are filtering by confirmed events and a confirmed event has a space which is still tentative, that space will still appear.
- The contract status of the event. Want to check for confirmed events without a contract? Just filter by the confirmed status and then select all the contract statuses except Contract Signed.
- The type(s) of events. You can create a view that only shows weddings, conventions, etc., or you could create a view that excludes a type that is not applicable to you.
- The business classification(s) of events. This option will only display if your account uses business classifications.
- The usage assigned to the event's booked spaces. This option will only display if your account uses usages.
- The genre(s) of events. This option will only display if your account uses genres.
- The event's tags.
- The Misc field allows you to select whether or not you want to show internal events, blackouts, publicity dates (announce, on sale, pre-sale), and calendar notes.
Publicity dates will not display on the mobile calendar at this time.
- Whether or not the event has a balance due. If you do not choose an option, all events will be shown.
- Whether an event does not have any invoices, it has at least one invoice created and sent, or it has at least one invoice created and not sent. If you do not choose an option, all events will be shown.
- Whether the event is finalized or not. If you do not choose an option, all events will be shown.
- By room(s).
Once you have updated your filtering options, click Set.
If you wish to use this view again, don't forget to save the changes to your view after applying the filters! Click the save save icon in the upper left. If the view is locked, click the settings gear icon to open the view's slider, then the edit pencil icon, and temporarily unlock the view to save the changes. Don't forget to lock the view again!