During the onboarding process, we will need certain pieces of information to get your Momentus Elite account set up and ready to go. Your primary consultant will meet with you and create a document where you can share this information with us. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Initial Account Setup
In order to begin your account setup, we will need to know these items:
The room list is simply a list of the spaces which you will be booking on your account, how you would like to organize those spaces, and some information about them.
- Venues and Groups: If you have more than one venue on your account, we'll need to know which one the space belongs to. And within each venue you are able to organize your spaces into groups. A group can represent anything that you wish: room type (such as all your meeting rooms), each level in your venue, inside vs outside spaces, etc.Groups simply make it easier to find and book spaces, especially in venues with many rooms. Check out Organizing Your Spaces: Venues and Groups to see these in action.
- Combos: Some venues have rooms which can be booked separately or combined into one space (usually through opening or closing airwalls). For example, you may be able to book Ballroom A and Ballroom B as separate spaces or Ballroom A+B as one space. We handle this through combo spaces. We'll just need to know those combinations of spaces so that our conflict checker alerts you properly!
- Maximum Capacity and Square Footage: You are able to add room requirements to an inquiry. When you then book the spaces, rooms are suggested based on the capacity or square footage you need. This information is optional.
To set up your users, we'll need to know their name, email address, and the roles they should have (please see User Role Permissions for more information). Please note that users will log in with their email address, so each user will need to have a unique email address. If you prefer, we can start with a core group of users who are part of the initial roll-out of the program; you can easily create the other users later as they are ready to come on board (see Add a User for instructions on how to add users).
Event Types
Each event will be assigned an event type: convention, consumer show, graduation, trade show, concert, sports, etc. This will help you as you execute your events (for example, event coordinators and operations users often find it useful to have their calendar colored by event type), and you'll also be able to incorporate this information into your monthly or annual reporting.
Each event type must be tied to a master event type. These master event types allow you to create "big buckets" to report on custom event types. For example, you could have custom event types reflecting music genres for your concerts, and then report on either those specific genre types or report on the master event type of "concert".
These master event types allow you to create "big buckets" to report on custom event types. You may create custom event types so that your Elite account includes all the types of events booked at your venue.
Master event types interface with the reporting system and cannot be added, removed, or customized.
Market Segments
Each account must be assigned to a market segment. Tracking your accounts and events by market segment allows you to see who your most successful clients are and look for more clients like them. Market segments are fully customizable to your venue, and could include: association (national and state), corporate, education, government, military, and religious. If your venue does not do meetings-type events (for example, if you focus on live events), this metric may not be useful for you. In that case, we recommend assigning Other to those accounts.
Lead Sources
The lead source field allows you to track how your clients are hearing about your venue. This allows you to identify successful (or perhaps not so successful) marketing strategies. Lead sources are fully customizable to your venue and could include: CVB, walk-in, cold call, referral, and existing customer. Each account must be assigned a lead source. If tracking this metric is not useful for you, we recommend assigning Other to those accounts.
Business Classifications (Optional)
Business classification is a designation on events which tracks the nature of the specific business opportunity. Business classification is primarily used for segmenting or categorizing sales and financial reports, regardless of the nature of the event itself (event type). Examples can include how the event originated (CVB, hotel, or venue sales team) or how revenue is classified (city event, self-promoted, or rental). See Manage Business Classifications for more information.
Additional Requirements
Once we have the above information added to your account, you can start booking events! To start detailing, though, we'll need to get additional information. These are also listed in the Types tab of your setup document.
Revenue Streams
Elite has three revenue types: rental, food and beverage, and ancillary. These revenue types allow you to create "big buckets" for custom revenue streams for reporting purposes. You may create custom revenue streams so that your Elite reporting matches how you report on your revenue in your financial system. You are able to estimate revenue as well as report actual revenue by each of your custom revenue streams.
For example, you may have concessions and catering revenue streams with the revenue type of food and beverage. Revenue types interface with the reporting system and cannot be added, removed, or customized.
Departments allow you to organize your event details on event orders, event resumes, BEOs, and other documents.
Staff Assignments
Every venue has key personnel for each event. Staff assignments allow you to create specific roles and then assign the staff member who will be filling that role to the event. For more details, please see Staff Assignments for Events.
Task Types
Tasks are used to log the sales process, create to-do's and reminders, and much more. Tasks do not have to be assigned a type, but the types may be used in filtering task views and also in sales reporting. For more information on task management in Elite, please see Task Management.
Contact Roles
For each event, you may attach key contacts: billing contact, on-site contact, signatory, etc. You may assign each contact a contact role. These roles are set up in the admin section.
Reasons for Lost Business
In addition to cancelling an event, you are able to mark it as Lost. When you mark an event as lost, you must assign a reason why the business was lost. This, along with revenue estimates, allows you to report on why you are losing sales and the value of those lost sales.
Units are used to assign prices to inventory items. For example, menu items may be each but tables are charged per event and labor is charged per hour. In addition, an item may have multiple units: you could have a room with different rental rates for the day and half day. List each of the units you would like to use in the three inventory categories (event service, food & beverage, and labor).
Space Usages (Optional)
Space usage tracks the specific purpose for which a booked space is being used. A single event will typically be divided into load-in days, event days, and load-out days. The usage is a higher-level designation that allows you to divide the event, without getting as granular as the function schedule. Space usages can show on the calendar and can also be shown on reports. For calculating space utilization, it can be used to filter out event days from load-in days. Since usages can be user defined, you can customize the list to meet your account-specific usage designations: Rehearsal, Artist Use, Building Tour, etc. Please see Manage Space Usages.