As part of the process to convert your FASTbook data into Momentus Elite, we ask for the data to be sent twice. The first time, we will import your data into our Sandbox environment. This testing environment allows you to confirm that the data is converted as you expected. We can also conduct preliminary training using this test conversion so that your team is ready to go once the final conversion is complete. When the conversion is approved, we will set a "go-live" date. We will schedule a time to get the final copy of your data and convert it into your actual Momentus Elite account. Once you send us the final copy of your data, no further changes should be made in FASTbook - they will not be reflected in Momentus Elite.
FASTbook is a client-server application, and uses the Firebird RDBMS. We need a copy of the current database file, which is typically named fbdata.fdb.
Once you have located the file, please do the following: