If you would like to see all of the events associated with a promoter, agency, or other contact, go to their details page in your address book and click on the Events tab. Any events that your contact has been "attached" to will be listed there.
To navigate to the company or contact Details Page, type the name into the universal search box. Click the desired company or contact.
Note: You can search on first name, last name, or even part of a name. The universal search will only return 10 results, though; if you are not finding your contact, try searching on a part of the name that is more specific.
Additional reading:
- To add a company or contact to an event, see this article.
- To add a company or contact to multiple events, see this video.
- To remove a contact or company from an event, see this article.
- To create a printable report with this information, see this video.