This article will outline some basic cross-browser tips and tricks for using EventBooking.
Returning to and Refreshing Pages
- DO: Use the refresh button on your browser to retrieve the most up-to-date, real-time information from EB Classic.
- DON'T: Use the back button to navigate to a previously visited page. This will erase any unsaved information and display earlier data that is not current. To revisit an earlier page, please navigate to it using the navigation menus.
Making Your Calendar Full Screen
Pressing F11 in Windows or Command + Shift + F on a Mac will toggle your calendar's full screen mode.
Adjusting Page Zoom
- To Zoom In: Press Ctrl and + in Windows or Command and + on a Mac. You can also hold Ctrl/Command and scroll up on a mouse wheel to zoom in.
- To Zoom Out: Press Ctrl and - in Windows or Command and - on a Mac. You can also hold Ctrl/Command and scroll down on a mouse wheel to zoom out.
- To Return to the Default Zoom Level: Press Ctrl + 0 in Windows or Command + 0 on a Mac.

Press Ctrl and + in Windows or Command and + on a Mac to zoom in.

Press Ctrl and - in Windows or Command and - on a Mac to zoom out.

Press Ctrl + 0 in Windows or Command + 0 on a Mac to return the browser to the default zoom level.