This article will walk you through adding or editing tags in an existing tag group. Please note that you must have System Administrator permissions to access this function. If you need to have a tag group added, please contact the Momentus support team.
- Hover over your name in the upper-right corner of the browser window.
- Click on Company Settings.
- Click Tag Group on the left side of the page.
- Click the name of a tag group to expand it, revealing the tags in that group.
- From here, you can rename tags and/or assign a different hexadecimal color code. Please note that the color codes must begin with # (a number sign/hash) and contain six alphanumeric characters from 0-9, a-f.
- Click + add to add a new tag, which you can then assign a name and optional color code.
- Once you have made the additions and/or edits that you would like, click the Save button in the yellow field that has appeared over your name in the upper-right corner of the browser window. (If you have made a single change, you might not see the save button appear until you click away from the field you were editing.)