If you need to print, export to PDF, or email your calendar, you are able to build a monthly calendar report that will allow you to do so.
By building a monthly calendar report, you are able to customize the event information and which event statuses appear on your report. We also have several pre-built calendar reports which you may wish to use:
- Quick Calendar Report: Found in Reports - Canned Reports, this report allows you to choose which calendars you would like on your report. You are also able to adjust the paper size and orientation (portrait vs. landscape) before exporting to PDF or emailing.
- Quick Calendar: Found in Reports - Canned Reports (new) this report allows you to choose calendars before downloading a PDF or Word file. This is our only calendar that exports to Word.
- Most accounts already have a Printable Monthly Calendar report built. Please check your Reports Overview page before following the steps below!
- You are also able to do a quick print from your calendar view; see this article for instructions.
1. Hover over Reports and choose either New Non-Spanning Calendar or New Spanning Calendar.
Spanning refers how multiple day events are displayed. In a spanning calendar, a multi-day event will have one block across multiple days. In a non-spanning calendar, each day of your multi-day event will have a separate block.
2. Click Data Sources. In the drop down, scroll to the bottom and select the Calendars Booked + Avails (experimental) data source
3. Click Combine overlapping calendars booked from the same event so that there is only one block for each event.
4. Choose other options as you wish:
- Check Show legend(s) to display a key to your status colors below your calendar.
- Choose whether your holiday names and/or icons will display on your calendar.
- Choose whether your calendar notes will display on your calendar.
5. Click Data Sources to collapse its box.
6. Click Filters.
7. Choose a date range that contains events. You'll be able to change this date range when you print your calendar in the future; this is just so you'll be able to see if you've built your report properly.
8. Click the + beside Grouping, and check Event so that your report pulls event information.
9. Select the status(es) of the events you would like to display on your calendar.
10. Choose the calendars you would like to be included in your calendar.
11. Scroll back up to the top of the Filters box, and click on Filters to collapse it.
12. Click Grouping.
13. Click the by Date/time, click the by Ranges. Scroll down and click Overall event range (Month/Year) to select it, then click Add Selected Items to move your selection to the right column.
14. Click Group Options, then Overall event range (Month/Year). In the Date Density dropdown, select Month.
15. Check Page break after this group if you would like each month to appear on its own page.
15. Click Grouping to collapse the box.
16. Click Fields.
17. Choose the fields you wish to include on your calendar. Below are instructions for the most requested fields; you are welcome to add more.
Fields are found in folders, just like files on your computer. You will often need to click the to go to a sub-folder containing your desired field. For example, to find the Event Name field:
a) Scroll down in the left box until you see Event. Click on the to go to the sub-folder.
b) Click on Event name to select it. When you select it, +Add Selected Items will appear above the left box. Click on +Add Selected Items and Event Name will be added to the right box. The fields listed in the right box are the ones that will appear on your calendar.
c) Click Fields in the header of the left box to return to the "home" list.
Follow the steps below to find additional information fields and add them to your calendar. Don't forget to click +Add Selected Items so the field is added to the right box, and then click Fields to return to the home list to find your next field.
• Calendar Name: Find Calendar(s), click , select Calendar name OR Calendar abbreviation
• Status:
To list the status name or abbreviation: Find Event Status, click, select Event Status Name or Event Status Abbreviation.
To color code each event by status: Find Event Status, click , find Individual parts, click , select Status background color (HTML code).
If your calendar contains more than one status of events, it is recommended that you include the event status. If you calendar has only Confirmed events (for example) you may skip that field.
• Showtimes: Find Timeline(s), click , find Name, click , find Show Time, click , select Timeline start/end (Time only) OR Timeline start (Time only)
If you would like your event information to be listed in a different order, select a field in the right box and click the up or down arrows until your fields are in the order you wish.
If you would like to remove a field from your report, select it in the right box and click the trash can - this doesn't delete the field, just removes it from the report. Be sure that only the fields you wish to remove are selected!
18. Click Field Options. Select Status background color (HTML code). Under the Group/Column drop down, select Cell Color. This will color the event's box to match its status.
19. Click Fields to collapse the box.
20. Click Output Options.
21. Select your preferred options:
- Template: if you would like a header with your logo and contact information on your calendar, select a Header. If not, leave on None.
- Format: For building reports, HTML is a quicker way to preview your work. You will be able to choose PDF, the only export option for calendars, when you generate it. You may also choose PDF now.
- Page Size: Choose the size of paper in your printer, usually Letter or A4.
- Orientation: Portrait or Landscape
- Cell Height: You may choose a minimum number of "rows" that each cell will have. This can help each week in your calendar be a more consistent size.
- Check Don't split weeks across page (pdf only). This will ensure that if you have a week with a large number of events that week will not be on two different pages.
- Output style: If you have a large number of events and are trying to squeeze your calendar onto one month, select Compact. This will remove any extra spacing and use a smaller font size.
22. Type the name of your calendar in the bottom Memorization box and click Run Report. You must enter a name in Memorization and run your report to save it!
23. Your calendar is ready! If you make any changes to your report, be sure to click Save Changes under Output Options and run the report again to save them.
- To run your report in the future, see this article.
- To share your report with other users so they are able to run it as well, see this article.