One of the first steps to fully utilizing EB Classic is setting up your calendar view to display the information you need in the most helpful way. This tutorial will walk you through using the most common calendar display settings.
Navigating to the Calendar Settings
- Hover over Calendars and click Calendars (new!).
- Click Settings in the upper-right corner of the screen.
General Settings
- Move-in/Move-out sets whether or not the Move-in/Move-out times are included in the times displayed for an event.
- Shadow Events sets whether or not events display on related calendars. If an event is being shadowed, it will display with a dashed border instead of a solid border.
- Show internal record ID sets whether or not event IDs are displayed.
These settings control which calendar notes, if any, will display on the calendar and whether or not they will be colored according to the calendars on which they are entered.
Color events by
This setting allows you to choose to color events by their status, calendar or event type.
Sort events by
This setting allows you to choose to sort overlapping events by time, status priority or calendar priority.
- Start On Today allows you to choose whether the calendar will always default to the current day (on) or remember where you last were (off) each time you navigate to or reload the calendar view.
- Start of week allows you to choose whether your weeks begin on Sunday, Monday or Saturday.
Layout Settings
All Views
- Span events across days sets whether events spanning multiple days will appear as a single block on your calendar or individual blocks on each day they are scheduled.
- Wrap text sets whether text will wrap to the next line or be cut off when it reaches the edge of an event.
Month View
Group by event sets whether booked spaces for an event will appear as one event or as separate entries for each space.
Hide empty rows
These settings control whether rows without data will be displayed or hidden. There is a separate setting for both the week and day views.
Number of days to show
This option allows you to set how many days display on the week view. It can be set between 7 and 14 days.
Event Settings
Event Level
This option allows you to set which event level displays on your calendar. Only one option can be selected at any given time, so most users leave this set to Event.
These settings allow you to select what information displays for each event. There is a Calendar option, which sets information to display right on the event, and the Pop Up option, which sets information to display once an event has been clicked.
These settings allow you to select which statuses will be displayed on your calendar. Most users have everything other than cancelled events set to display.
Finishing Up
Once you have selected the settings and options you would like, click Save towards the top of the screen.