If you wish to make a file accessible to anyone, even if they are not signed into the program, you can set the permissions to Public. It is not possible to make a private image public, or vice versa. If you have previously uploaded a file as private, you will need to reupload it by following these steps.
- Hover over your name in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Click My Media.
- Click Add Media.
- Click the checkbox next to Public.
- Click Browse.
- Select the file you would like to upload.
- Click Open.
- Click Add.
- Click Close.
- Your file will display Public under Permissions and will be viewable by anyone with the URL.
If the file was previously uploaded, you can optionally follow these steps to remove the private file:
- Find the original file that is not public by searching in My Media. This file will not have a URL and will not say Public under Permissions.
- Click Delete.