You are able to associate address book objects (companies and contacts) with events. A contact's information will then be visible on the event's details page, and in the address book you'll be able to see a list of all that contact's events.
To add a contact to an event, go to the event details page.
Note: If you haven't added the event yet, you can add a contact and company when you add the event, either in the Add Event form or the Quick Add.
1. Click Add beside either Company or Contact.
Note: Clicking Add by Company will search within Company address book objects and clicking Add by Contact will search with Person address book objects.
2. Type the name of the company or contact in the Name box to search in your address book and click on the desired contact. You may also click Create New to add a contact to your address book.
3. To assign a role, click on None to show the drop down; click on the desired role.
4. Click Add.
Your company or contact has been added to your event.