This article will walk you through:
- Navigating to the Multiplier Settings Page
- Selecting the Right Multiplier Settings
- Adding a New Multiplier
- Adding a New Rate
- Editing Existing Multipliers and Rates
- Adding Multipliers to a Set or Category
- Adding Multipliers to Resources
Navigating to the Multiplier Settings Page
- Hover over your name in the upper-right corner of the browser window.
- Click Company Settings.

- Click Multiplier Settings.

Selecting the Right Multiplier Settings
There are many checkboxes for various multiplier settings. Here is a quick overview of what they do and how they differ.
- Fixed allows you to set a multiplier as a fixed amount of currency rather than a percentage. For example, if the amount of a multiplier is set to 25, it would be $25 with fixed and 25% without fixed.
- Allow Credit allows you to set whether a discount should be able to make a value positive. For example, say you have a resource priced at $5 with a $10 discount applied. With this setting applied to the discount, the resource would be creating a $5 credit for your client. Without this setting applied to the discount, the resource's price would be brought to $0.
- Subtotal, Discounts and Discounted Subtotal control when service charges and taxes are applied to resources and discounts. Subtotal and discounts can be selected together, but discounted subtotal is mutually exclusive with both of them. Charges and taxes are not applied to credit subtotals, so the final amount can differ greatly depending on how these options are set up. For example, say you have a resource priced at $500 with a $1,000 discount and a 10% service charge applied. The following are ways the final total would differ depending on the charge's settings:
- Only Subtotal: $500 is the subtotal, so it has $50 in service charges. The credit of $1,000 is then applied to the $550 subtotal, leaving the client with a credit of $450.
- Only Discount: $1,000 is the discount, so an additional $100 is discounted to take service charges into account. This credit is applied to the $500 subtotal, leaving the client with a credit of $600.
- Both Subtotal and Discount: The charge-conscious credit ($1,100) is applied to the service-charged subtotal ($550). The client has a credit of $550.
- Discounted Subtotal: -$500 is the discounted subtotal. Because it is a credit to the client, no service charge is applied. The client has a credit of $500.
- Charge A, Charge B, Charge C and Chrg. Subtotal control whether taxes are applied to service charges. Charge A, Charge B and Charge C can be on for the same tax multiplier, but Chrg. Subtotal is mutually exclusive with all of them, as it applies a tax to all charges on a resource.
- Back Calc controls whether a tax is applied to a resource's price or is back-calculated into a resource's price. For example, say that you have a resource priced at $500 and a tax of 10%:
- Without Back Calculation: The 10% tax ($50) is added to the base price. The base price is $500, so the total price of the resource is $550.
- With Back Calculation: The base price becomes $454.55 so the 10% tax ($45.45) will bring the total price of the resource to $500.
- Ignore Tax Exemption allows you to specify that this tax should always be applied, regardless of tax exempt status. Some places have laws requiring taxes to always be collected for certain types of products (e.g. alcohol). Be careful to only apply taxes with these settings to sets, categories and resources that must always be taxed.

Adding a New Multiplier
- Click Add [Multiplier] under one of the multiplier types.

- Type the multiplier's name and amount.
- Select an effective date for the multiplier.
- Check the boxes for any desired multiplier settings.

- Click Save in the upper-right corner of the browser window.

Adding a New Rate
- Click +Add [Multiplier Name] Rate under a multiplier.

- Type an amount for the multiplier rate.
- Select an effective date for the multiplier.
- Check the boxes for any desired multiplier settings.

- Click Save in the upper-right corner of the browser window.

Editing Existing Multipliers and Rates
- At any time, you can correct or modify text and settings for your multipliers. Any changes you make will be highlighted in tan.

- Click Save in the upper-right corner of the browser window to finalize your settings.

Adding Multipliers to a Set or Category
- Hover over Resources.
- Click Sets / Categories (new).

- Click the set or category to which you want to apply multipliers.
- Click Edit Set or Edit Category.

- Check all multipliers that should be applied to resources under this set or category.
- Click Save.

The multipliers are now applied to the set or category, as well as any categories and resources under it.

Adding Multipliers to Resources
- Hover over Resources.
- Click Resource Library (new).
- Click Multipliers.
- Click Edit to mass edit any multiplier, or click the down arrow next to Edit and click the specific multiplier you would like to mass edit.
- Check multipliers to apply them to specific resources. You can also uncheck multipliers to prevent them from being applied, even if they are being applied to a set or category above the resource.
- Click Save.