- FIXED: Copying an event still pulls over information not selected.
- When copying an event, you are able to select what information you wish to copy over to the new event. If you had clicked “all” and then unselected certain items, they would still be copied. This is now fixed.
- NOTE: Occasionally accounts break out a specific timeline item to have its own input on the event details page, similar to how all events have a separate Showtime listing. When you're copying an event, each one of those will have a checkbox in the info list. If any of those remain checked, all of the timeline items will copy. The system sees all timeline types (except showtimes) as one “thing”.
- FIXED: Calendar profile view saving for shared (locked) view
- Editing one calendar profile was changing a different one, even though it was shared and couldn’t be edited. This affected one account and is now fixed.
- FIXED: Unable to add an event to a grouping via the "Actions" menu on the event details page
- FIXED: Phone numbers labeled as "Fax" type are not pulling into the corporate calendar view.
- FIXED: If an event has more than one showtime and they do not have descriptions or the descriptions match, a report including timeline descriptions will not run.
- FIXED: When adding a grouping via Quickadd, events without a name do not inherit the grouping name in the conflict checker - they display as “null” instead.
- FIXED: When emailing a custom form, "Send body as HTML" does not include the report in the body of the email.
- FIXED: Activity reports were giving different results when run from the overview page vs the edit page. A bug causing the “None” Tag filter to not work properly has been fixed.
- FIXED: The “reset password” dialogue on a user’s page in the user admin section was allowing non-compliant passwords.
- ENHANCEMENT: The message letting you know that you are locked out due to many tries with the incorrect credentials now includes the support phone number.
- ENHANCEMENT: Account Admins are now able to unlock a user whose account has been locked due to too many tries with incorrect credentials.
- ENHANCEMENT: The new, updated password requirements are now listed in the new user admin pages wherever the admin is able to override a password.
- ENHANCEMENT: If an admin resets a password to one which is not compliant, they will get an error message.
- ENHANCEMENT: The mass edit on the event details page now reflects the additional multiplier for resources.
- ENHANCEMENT: Add option to extend calendar publishing to Outlook/iCal/Google to one year in the future