The main purpose of this release is to redirect the Help Desk link in the upper right corner of the application to the new service we are using for support and knowledge base. This product allows our Customer Success team to support three separate products in one place, but keep separate knowledge bases for each product.
We've taken the opportunity to do a few small fixes and enhancements:
- When running a custom form for all events on a date, the functions were not sorting chronologically. If you run custom forms from the Reports Overview page and see any issue with how your events/functions are sorting, please let us know.
- In the Invoicing module, you were unable to allocate funds after entering a deposit - the save and cancel buttons on the pop up would not work. They now do.
- If you enter time in and out for a resource item, the system will now calculate for you the number of hours for that item. Clicking Copy will fill that number into the Used Quantity field.
- We've also added a date field for resource item times, so that you can schedule items past midnight.
- We've added a new holiday set for our clients in China - Chinese 24 Solar Terms.