This page is part of our Insights Reports and Dashboards Library. For more information about adding this report to your account or to see other reports, please see the library page.
The Overdue Tasks report allows you to look at all incomplete and overdue tasks as of the day the report is generated. This report shows who has been assigned the task, the due date of the task, the task type, the event name, the account associated with the task, and all of the contact information of the task contact.
User Parameters
This report offers a Tasks Type parameter that allows you to select individual task types to examine. Multiple task types can be selected at a time, as well as all task types.
This report will only show tasks that have yet to be marked as completed, and have a due date that is before the date the report is generated.
This report has a feature called interactive sorting that allows you to sort the report after it has been generated within the reporting tool. To use the interactive sorting feature, click one of the arrows on the header to sort on that specific field. Once you have selected the field to sort by, the other arrows will disappear. To select another option to sort by, click the portion of the header where the title is located for that individual field.