If you have several similar packages, you are able to create one and then copy it, editing the copy to match the other package. To copy a package:
- Click your name in the upper-left corner and select Inventory & Prices.
- Click the category that contains the package you want to copy to open its slider.
- In the category slider, click the file_copy copy icon in the Packages section.
- Click in the Package field and select the package you want to copy.
- Update the name of the package if you wish.
- Click Save.
- A prompt will appear, asking if you want to add the package to a price schedule. If you don't need to edit the package click Yes to go to the Price Schedules page. Otherwise, click No.
- Your copied package will appear in the package list. Click the package to edit it (see Edit a Package for instructions). Don't forget to add the package to a price schedule when your edits are done!