You are able to add standard pricing for your inventory items as well as standard rental rates for the various rooms in your venue using price schedules. A price schedule is a rate sheet, where you enter the costs (internal expense of an item) and prices (external/what you charge the customer) of inventory items, rental rates, service charges, taxes and other fees. If you have different pricing for different types of clients, you can create separate price schedules to make it easy to apply the correct pricing to your events. Common price schedules are:
- Standard
- Non-profit (used if you have different pricing — if you simply need to not charge taxes, accounts can be marked as tax exempt)
- Internal (often used with clients such as university campuses where university clients are charged differently than external rentals)
- Each year: Standard 2020, Standard 2021, etc. (this allows you to set pricing for future events without changing pricing for current events)
- Exhibitor (used by exhibitors to order items for their booths for trade shows, etc.)
Events can have more than one price schedule. You can have a price schedule that holds all of your rental rates and ancillary items, and have separate prices schedules for food and beverage since those options and prices change more often, and are also often managed by a separate department. Note that while an event can have inventory items added from different price schedules, all rental rates on the event must be from the same price schedule.
All price schedules have a type. Most price schedules will be Client price schedules. There are three other types:
- Exhibitor: Used for the online exhibitor store.
- Hospitality: Used for hospitality orders.
- Booking Portal: Used for the booking portal.
To create a price schedule:
- Click your name in the upper-left corner and select Inventory & Prices.
- Click Price Schedules.
- Click the + add icon to open the Create Price Schedule slider.
- Name your price schedule.
- Select the type of price schedule
- Click Save.
We recommend setting up any necessary GL codes, taxes, and service charges before adding pricing to your new schedule.
For more information: