Momentus Elite uses a transactional database — once certain information is added to events (pulling from System Admin or Inventory & Pricing), it will not update on events if edited in System Admin or Inventory & Pricing. The information below, though, is referential — if the information listed below is updated in Inventory & Prices or System Admin, it will be updated on items, rental rates, and packages on all events where they have been added.
Information contained in price schedules (price, cost, GL code, taxes, and service charges) must be updated on an event by refreshing the price schedule. Please see Update an Event after Changes to a Price Schedule for more information.
- Item name
- Item unit changed (not if the unit itself is edited on Inventory Setup)
- If the item is time bound or not
- If the item is moved to a different category or department
- If an item's category type is changed
- An item's category's revenue stream is changed
- Sorting of items, categories, or departments is updated
Inventory Setup
- A GL code name or code is edited
- NOTE: This is not if an item's GL code is changed to a different GL code. That is set in the price schedule and is updated on events via a price schedule refresh.
- A room's item code is changed
- A room's revenue stream is changed
- A package is moved to a different category or department
- A component is marked or unmarked as Hidden from Client
Note that existing documents will not be updated. To update documents, edit or regenerate them. Existing Proposals, Contracts, Addendums, or Summaries will need to be re-created.