Momentus Elite gives you the ability to track the revenue for each of your events and report on event revenue for your venue. When you set up your account, you will designate how you would like to categorize your revenue by creating revenue streams. All revenue, whether via event charges or additional revenue items, will be assigned to one of these revenue streams. Your custom revenue streams are each assigned to one of the Elite revenue types: rental, food and beverage, and ancillary.
In this article:
Navigate to Revenue Streams
- Click your name in the upper-left corner and select Inventory & Prices.
- Click Setup.
- Click Revenue Streams.
Add a Revenue Stream
- On the Revenue Streams tab, click the + plus icon.
- In the slider, name your revenue stream and select a revenue type. Click Save.
Edit or Inactivate a Revenue Stream
- Click the revenue stream you wish to edit.
- On the slider, you can:
- Update the name of the revenue stream.
If you rename a revenue stream and have reports which use them, please contact us to have the reports updated.
- Select a different revenue type.
- Uncheck Active to inactivate the revenue stream.
If an event has items which are allocated to an inactive revenue stream, the inactive revenue stream will still be listed on the event's details page under Financials Details Charges. Inactive revenue streams can also be included in reports.
- Update the name of the revenue stream.
- Click Save.