We do not have a dedicated mobile app for Momentus Elite. Instead, it detects when you are using a phone and gives you access to a calendar optimized for mobile devices.
View the Mobile Calendar
The mobile calendar will display a single month at a time. Each day in that month will have 0-3 dots underneath it, signifying dates booked on that day. If a day has more than three dates, it will also have a plus sign next to the dots to acknowledge that. The dots, themselves, will be colored according to the current calendar view that you are using.
Tap a day on the calendar to go directly to that day in the list.
Tap a date block open the summary slider, just like on the desktop calendar. When you are done with the summary slider, tap the X in the upper-right corner to close it. The back button will take you back to the page you were viewing before the calendar
To go back to the calendar from the list, tap the ^ icon in the upper-right corner.
To select a different view, tap the current view at the top.
Tap the filter_list filter icon to edit your filters. You can't save changes while on mobile. Please see Create a Custom Calendar View for information on how to add views on desktop that can be used on mobile.