You are able to copy a list of events in a series as well as a list of booked spaces in a series' events. This allows you to include this information in an email or other document with just a few clicks.
On the calendar, go to an event in the series and open its summary slider. Click the name of the series to open the series slider. (The series slider can also be accessed on the event details page on the overview tab).
Copy the information:
For a list of the events in the series along with each event's date and status, go to the Events tab. Click the assignment clipboard icon. The event information will be copied to your clipboard.
For a list of the booked spaces in each event along with each space's date and status, go to the Spaces tab. Click the assignment clipboard icon. The booked space information will be copied to your clipboard.
For a list of the events in the series along with each event's date and status, go to the Events tab. Click the assignment clipboard icon. The event information will be copied to your clipboard.
Go to an email or other document and press Ctrl + V (⌘ + V on Mac). The information will be pasted into your document.
Booked Spaces: