In Momentus Elite, you are able to group related and recurring events into a Series. For more information about series and how they can fit into your workflow, see Series of Events.
In this article, we'll discuss booking new events into a series (whether a new series or an existing series). If you've already booked the events but need to add them to a series, please see Add Existing Events to a Series.
You can book events in series in several places:
At this time, you can only book single-day events using this workflow. If you have multi-day events to book in a series, you can either book the event with all days and then add it to the series, or book the events as single day and then add the extra days afterwards.
Book from the Series Summary Slider or Series Details Page
If the series hasn't been created yet, you'll need to book it on the calendar. See below.
- Access the Events tab on either the series details page or, if you're on the calendar, the series summary slider (click one of the series' events to open its slider and click on the series name).
- Click the + plus icon to open the Create Series Events slider.
- Follow the directions below from step 5.
Book from the Calendar
To book new events into a new or existing series from the calendar:
- Select the dates of your events on the calendar. You can go to the next month and the dates will still be selected!
- Click the add series button in the lower-right.
- Under Add Events To, select New Series or Existing Series as appropriate.
- Type the name of your series. If the series already exists, it will appear in the search results for you to select.
We recommend that your series names are unique, such as Hockey Season 21-22 rather than just Hockey Season.
- Fill in your event information:
- Mark if the events are blackouts or internal. Note that blackouts must have a tentative or definite status; they cannot be prospects.
- Add the account, contact, event type, and business classification.
- Update the visibility settings as needed.
- Select any task templates you would like to be applied to all events in the series.
- If the events should be created as prospects, check Prospect.
- Add rooms to the events:
- Click + Rooms to apply a selection to all dates, or click + Rooms for a specific date to apply a selection to only that date.
- In the slider, select the rooms you want to book.
- Click Save.
- Fill in the name of each event. If you do not add an event name, events will inherit the series name.
- If you need to adjust the selected rooms for an individual event, click its room chip and choose from the dropdown menu.
- To remove an entire event, click the clear remove icon next to the event's status, on the same row as the date.
- To remove only a single space from an event, click the clear remove icon for the space, directly to the right of the space's status.
- Adjust the time for all events' spaces by clicking access_time Times at the top of the booked spaces. To adjust the time for all spaces on a day, click access_time Times on the same line as the date. To adjust the time for an individual space, click its time.
- Each space is assigned the next available tentative status and is color coded to alert you of potential conflicts. You may update the status for all events' spaces by clicking Status, or update an individual space by clicking its status. For more details about the conflict checking warnings and updating statuses, please see Conflict Checking.
- If your system admin has set up room usages, select a usage for each space. You can click Usage for an event to apply a selection to all spaces for that event, or click Usage for a specific space or day to apply a selection only to it. For more information, please see Manage Space Usages.
- Click Save.