Many of our venues host live events, and often these events and their load out will extend beyond midnight. These events are two-day events, but venues think of them as one-day events. In addition, since the event crosses midnight you would need to have two booked spaces, two functions, and the event would span two days on the calendar.
If this is something that you will run into with your events, we can adjust when your account's day starts so that it is after your events usually end but before you begin in the morning. For most accounts with this issue, a start time of 3 AM or 4 AM works well.
By making this change:
- You will be able to book a single booked space which goes past midnight.
- You will be able to create a function which crosses midnight.
- Events which cross midnight will not display as two-day events on your calendar.
Best practices:
- Book spaces all day or timed based on your venue's needs:
- If your contract outlines licensed hours, book the event spaces to match those licensed hours so that the times in the contract are correct. The event range will match the actual (not adjusted) start and end days.
- If you do not need to list licensed hours, you can book spaces as all day using the "all day" checkbox. You will be able to create functions within your adjusted start of day without having the event range being two days.
- If you are using booked space usage to report on your venue's space usage, you may need to book using specific times. Just be aware that event date ranges will then display the actual start and end dates.
Things to note:
- Booked spaces booked all day (via the checkbox) will be a single day. If you create a booked space with a start and end time matching your account day, it will be considered two days.
- Just as you couldn't cross midnight, you won't be to create booked spaces or functions which cross your new start of day. If your start time is 3 AM, you won't be able to book from 1 AM to 5 AM - it would be booked from 1 AM to 2:59 AM and from 3 AM to 5 AM.
- If you do try to book a space from 1 AM to 5 AM, you'll get a warning that your start time cannot be after your end time. This will seem odd, but remember that we've changed when your day starts to 3 AM (for example). You will need to add two booked spaces on that day: one from 1 AM to 2:59 AM and one from 3 AM to 5 AM.
- If you use an external calendar feed, multi-day events which end at a specific time after midnight will look like they are one day longer in Outook or Google than they do in Momentus Elite - those applications will display the event based on the true end date. Events whose booked spaces are all day will not do this.
Does this interest you? Contact us. This is a setting that we will have to update for you, and your account will be deactivated briefly while the system updates your all day events with the new event day. We'll want to schedule the change at a time that works best for you!