Business classification is a designation on events which tracks the nature of the specific business opportunity. Business classification is primarily used for segmenting or categorizing sales and financial reports, regardless of the nature of the event itself (event type). Examples can include how the event originated (CVB, hotel, or venue sales team) or how revenue is classified (city event, self-promoted, or rental). Once business classification has been added to your account, it becomes a required field for all events except blackouts.
In this article:
- Navigate to Business Classifications
- Add Business Classifications
- Edit Business Classifications
- Change the Order of Business Classifications
- Remove Business Classifications
Navigate to Business Classifications
- Click on your name in the upper left corner and select System Admin to access the Admin console.
- Click event Events in the left sidebar and select the Booking tab.
- Click Business Classifications.
Add Business Classifications
- Click the + add icon to open the slider.
- Add a name for the business classification.
- Click Save.
Edit Business Classifications
- Click a business classification to open the slider.
- Update the name of the business classification as needed.
The new name will not be seen on events with this business classification, but reporting and other app functionality are not affected. To see the new name on the event, open the Edit General Information slider and save.
- Click Save.
Change the Order of Business Classifications
- Click the sort sort icon.
- Click the icon by a business classification and drag it to its new place.
- Click Save.
Remove Business Classifications
- Click a business classification to open the slider.
- Click Remove.
- Confirm the alert message to remove the business classification.