This article will walk you through deactivating a room on your Momentus Elite account. Please note that you must have the System Admin role for your account in order to do this.
While a room is inactive:
- It will not appear as an option for events, booked spaces, and functions.
- Events, booked spaces, and functions in that room will still show the inactive room, but you will need to select an active room if/when a booked space or function is edited.
- Events booked only in inactive rooms will not appear on the calendar.
- Events booked only in inactive rooms will appear on the event list.
To inactivate a room:
- Click your name in the upper-left.
- Click System Admin.
- Click meeting_room Rooms.
- Click the room you want to deactivate.
- Click Active to toggle it off.
The room is now inactive. You can toggle Active again to reactivate it, if needed.
In the room list, inactive rooms are hidden by default. In the upper-right, you will see one of two icons: visibility_off if inactive rooms are hidden and visibility if inactive rooms are shown. You can click whichever icon is being displayed to toggle between showing or hiding them. When shown, inactive rooms will be struck out and listed at the end of the room list for whatever group they are in.