Additional update information:
Scroll to the bottom to see a demo of these features in the preview webinar!
New Email Features
We’ve gathered your feedback about the email experience in Momentus Elite and are rolling out new features and enhancements!
- The Send Email slider has been updated wherever you send emails. You can now specify recipients as to/cc/bcc, add attachments, and format the email using the new rich text editor. We walk through the new send slider in Send an Ad Hoc Email.
- Create your email signature in Elite and add it to any email sent from the application. See Manage Your Email Signature for instructions.
- Create email templates. Have the standard content you send regularly ready to go and add it an email with two clicks. Instructions are available in Manage Email Templates.
- Log emails in Elite! Log any email sent from Elite: see what was sent (with attachments), who it was sent to, and when it was sent. Reply to and forward emails you had sent. Replies to emails sent from Elite will be logged as well! Keep the conversation accessible to everyone who needs to see it.
- The Email Logging setting will be enabled at the time of the release. If you do NOT want to log emails, the System Admin should disable that immediately post-release.
- There are email log tabs on events, accounts, and contacts.
- Where are emails logged?
- Emails will be logged where they are sent from: emails on events are logged on the event log, emails sent from accounts are logged on the account, emails sent from contacts are logged on the contact log.
- All emails sent to a contact will appear on the contact log, no matter where they are sent from.
- Emails sent from an event to a contact added to the event whose account is the event's contracting account will also be added to the account log.
- Who can see logs?
- There is a new Email Activity Logs permission. This will be added to roles with Accounts & Contacts permission. System Admins should review their roles to ensure these permissions are what they want. If not, update the roles following the release.
Current Accounts & Contacts Permission Email Log Permission
AddedNone None View View Edit Sent - The new permission gives users access to the log tab on events, accounts, and contacts and allows them to see logs sent from those tabs. Logs for sent documents will depend on the user's permission to that area of the program (for example, a user has to have Invoicing permission to see logs for sent invoices).
- There is a new Email Activity Logs permission. This will be added to roles with Accounts & Contacts permission. System Admins should review their roles to ensure these permissions are what they want. If not, update the roles following the release.
- Send ad hoc emails from any account, contact or event - go to the Emails tab on the account, contact, or email and click Compose New Email. Email isn’t just for documents and avails!
Incorporate the ad hoc email feature into your workflow and get the most from your Elite CRM! Join us for a webinar all about this topic in November. See Upcoming Webinars and Events for more information and to register.
Knowledge Base Migration and New In-App Help
- We have moved the Elite Knowledge Base to a new platform, Zendesk. This is the same platform that our support team moved to earlier this year. Please update your bookmarks to (Yes, that URL will be updated soon!)
- Subscribe to announcements! The new knowledge base platform allows you to follow sections and be alerted when additions are made. Go to the Announcements section and click Follow.
- Along with a new knowledge base platform we will have new in-app help. The new Answer Bot works a little differently than the old one:
- When you open it we'll suggest some topics that we often get questions about. If you need help with one of those topics, select it and we'll walk you through some help steps.
- You can also ask questions. If the Answer Bot doesn't know the answer, you'll be able to search the knowledge base or submit a ticket to support.
- Have any feedback about the Answer Bot? Let us know!
- Answer Bot is accessed in the same way as Beacon was - click Help in the left navigation.
- We have continued to update the application to the new Momentus branding:
- All notification, user activation, password reset, and confirmation emails have been rebranded.
- These emails will now be sent from rather than Please let your IT department know in case they need to add the new address to your allow list.
- If you build or edit reports, dashboards, or templates, you'll notice that the favicon (the icon in your browser tab) is now updated to the Momentus logo.
- All notification, user activation, password reset, and confirmation emails have been rebranded.
- We have added search to the event, function, account, and contact list views. This allows you to quickly find a particular record or group of records.
- Searches will not be saved to custom saved views. Search is not designed to replace the existing filtering functionality.
- What you can search by differs from list to list. Please see Search in List Views for specifics.
- When copying functions or copying details to an existing function, the slider will now close when you click Save.
- When creating or editing Event Types, master event type has been updated to main event type. The functionality has not changed.
- On the calendar summary slider inactive rooms will now be struck through.
- DevExpress, the reporting engine behind Insights, has been updated to the newest version.
- When updating the contract status to Contract Signed on the calendar, the reminder to confirm the event was appearing regardless of booking permission.
- On the Event, Function, and Activity log lists, if you made changes to a saved view which had a date range, the date range was removed when you clicked Set.
- When moving a room from one group or venue to another, the room group sort order ID did not update in the Insights database.
- On Avails, combo rooms were not showing as definite when one of the combo's member rooms was definite.
- In the Activity Log, the event link on the slider for Hospitality Order invoices will now direct to the Hospitality Order tab rather than the Financials tab.
- Hospitality Order packages will now be invoiced as a single line item.
- Fixed a number of security vulnerabilities.
Release Checklist
We mentioned several items for System Admins to review in the release notes; there are also new features to incorporate into your workflow. Here's a summary checklist for you:
- Critical items:
- Alert IT that Elite notifications will be sent from
- Decide if you want to use the email logging feature. If you do not, disable that setting in System Admin > Emails the morning of the release.
- Review your permission roles to confirm that they will have the email log permission you want. Update those the morning of the release if needed.
- Workflow items:
- Decide if you are going to incorporate email templates into your workflow. If you are, make a list of templates to create and begin developing that content.
- After the release, instruct all users who will be emailing from Elite to create their signature.
- Subscribe to the Announcements section in the new knowledge base.
Preview the September 2023 update!
Eastern US/EMEA Session (10:00 AM EDT)
Want to follow along with the chat? View the webinar on Zoom.
Western US/APAC Session (8:00 PM EDT)
Want to follow along with the chat? View the webinar on Zoom.