Resolved defect in which the filtered date range was being removed when another filter setting was updated.
Resolved issue where Answerbot could not be accessed via Help.
Resolved several minor defects with Booking Portal:
Navigation menu highlight for Booking Portal did not persist when the Groups tab within booking portal admin was selected.
Selecting other sites should default back to General Settings tab.
Selecting other groups should default back to General Settings tab.
Users with the URL could access the booking portal site when the booking portal feature was deactivated for the tenant.
Conflicting reservation for the same room allowed.
Area-based rate types in booking portal not calculating as expected. Area-based rate types are not supported in the Booking Portal and have been removed from Booking Portal price schedules
Booking space time slider begin time would error if within 45 minutes of end time.
User prevented from clicking "Book Space" when a room was set to all day booking price schedule.
General Settings info disappeared after a booking portal site was deactivated and then reactivated.