Additional update information:
Elite Integration with Momentus Payments
We are excited to announce the integration with Momentus Payments Unified Checkout. Momentus Payments offers a simplified checkout experience for your customers with an enhanced digital wallet as well as easy-to-use transaction management for your accounting team with automated reconciliation.
Key features include:
- Unified checkout
- Enhanced digital wallet
- Transaction management
- Automated Reconciliation
Momentus Payments provides a consistent checkout experience and unified transaction management for all payments processed through Momentus. This includes payments managed through Momentus’s in-house processing and through approved third-party gateways. Unified Checkout now remembers returning buyers, enables saved payment methods, and allows pre-authorized transactions, simplifying repeat purchases for users and providing a more seamless experience for merchants.
This initial release will support Credit Card payments; ACH will follow soon after in Q1 2025.
Momentus Payments is an add-on available for Momentus Elite Premier.
Booking Portal Updates
We have made some improvements to the Elite Booking Portal:
- Regional Settings for Booking Portal: The Booking Portal now respects your account's regional settings (language, date/time formats, and currency).
- Guest Access for Availability Search: You can now allow guests to search availability without creating an account, streamlining the browsing experience. This is an option that can be set on each booking portal site.
- Flexible Payment Configuration for User Groups: There are now two payment term options: full upfront payment (current option) and deferred invoicing. With deferred invoicing, you can allow a user to request rooms but wait to invoice them until other charges have been decided. This option is set on the Group and will be the same for all users in the group.
Additional enhancements include:
- Greater clarity for "All Day" bookings; start and end times will now align with configured open/close times.
- Inactive email templates are now blocked from use in active Booking Portal Groups.
- Service End Times: Users can now specify service end times for hourly items.
- Skip Order Items: If there are no priced items in the booking portal, the option to order items will be skipped.
- Landing Page Personalization: Tailor a welcome message based on user access.
- Enhanced warnings are now shown when users make edits to price schedules assigned to active booking portal groups.
- Booking portal access is revoked for inactive users.
- Additional visual improvements and streamlined navigation for a smoother user experience and quick access to key features.
- Updated the Price Schedule label in the Price Schedule list from "Booking Pricing" to "Booking Portal Pricing" to ensure consistency and clarity.
Booking Portal is an add-on available for Momentus Elite Premier.
Document Template Updates
- The in-browser DOCX editor now allows users to Save a Copy as PDF. This allows you to edit documents in DOCX format before saving a copy as a PDF to send to recipients. This feature is found on Proposals, Contracts, and Addendums.
- In addition to the listing the date created, we also now list the time stamp on the document listings in the Contracting tab to better organize and manage multiple revisions.
Document Templates are available with Momentus Elite Pro and Premier.
- Resolved header overlapping issues in PDF Generation of Handlebars document templates.
- Resolved issues with series events becoming unlinked from and unable to be re-linked to a series.
- Fixed issue with email signatures causing line breaks in signatures to be removed when sending emails.
- Fixed issue causing property of unbillable items to revert to default value when editing.
- Upcoming exhibitions now display correctly on the embeddable Exhibitions List.
- Fixed issue with packages causing attendance number on the Function Details > Packages tab to display incorrectly when multiple packages were allocated to the function.
- Only items in valid departments are now available for ordering through the Exhibitor Store. Legacy items in “No Department” will not be shown.
- Fixed display errors with the search bar, item card layouts, and placeholder images in the Exhibitor Store.
- Fixed issue in rich text emails where table borders appeared even when toggled off.
- Email recipients search will now show all matching recipients even when duplicate matches exist.
- Default items in packages are now properly indicated on price schedules.
- Added validation to prevent saving items with deleted units or rate types.
- Fixed issue with package editing where the default item was being removed even when package edits were not saved.
- Fixed validation display errors in the Booking Portal service time field.
- Fixed issue with Booking Portal user registration causing email duplicate checking against incomplete registrations.
- Task Templates can now be de-activated but not deleted, ensuring that existing templated tasks continue to function without issue.
- Updated validation to allow multiple item rates to be created using the same rate type, in order to accommodate different timebound rate scenarios.