On an event's Detailing tab, there are two places where you can add items and instructions — in event-wide details and in functions.
When do you use event-wide rather than regular functions?
Event-Wide Functions
Event-wide functions are for those instructions or items which are not specific to a certain time or place during the event but pertain to the overall event, such as wi-fi, parking, or security. You can also use the General Instructions section which is not tied to any category or department. Details on event-wide functions can be listed in their own section on event orders, and are listed at the top of the Operations View.
Regular Functions
Functions allow you to break out a large event into its smaller components. A large conference can have a general session in one space on the first day, meals on each day in the ballroom, breakout sessions in various meeting rooms. and coffee and water stations in pre-function spaces throughout the conference. You are able to create a separate function for each of these sessions, specifying the room, date, and time. You can then assign items and instructions needed in that room at that time. You can also create event orders for those individual sessions, or combine them into one event order for the room or for the entire event.
Even if your event is a single day event in a single space, though, still create a function. This will attach a location to those items and instructions and improve the usability of other parts of Elite.
Functions are also used to create schedule items that aren't in a specific location, such as when clients arrive or when doors open. These are created by not selecting a room for the function, and you can also have just a start time on these functions.
To Summarize:
- Are these details for a specific room or a specific time within the event? Use a function.
- Are these details for the event as a whole and not specific to a room? Use an event-wide function.