Momentus Elite gives you the ability to easily send your avails, manage your holds, and confirm those great shows! This article will give you an overview of how it all works, with links out to step-by-step directions.
In this article:
- Getting Started: Settings to Customize, Task Templates, and Notifications
- Before You Book: Artist Research and Avails
- Book Holds and Events
- Manage Holds and Confirming Events
- Beyond Booking: Additional Live Entertainment Features
Getting Started: Settings, Task Templates, and Notifications
Before you start booking events, you may wish to do some setup and customization on your account:
- Custom Status Names: You may override the default status names of Prospect, Tentative, and Definite. You'll need to have the System Admin role to do this, as the status names are account-wide and this change will affect all users. Step-by-step instructions are available in Customize Status Names.
- Visibility Settings: Until an event is confirmed or announced, you may wish to hide the event name and event information from other users in the building and on avails. Visibility Settings has a full explanation of the visibility settings for events and instructions on how to set your defaults.
- Custom Calendar Views: If you have the Edit Private Saved Views or the Edit Shared Saved Views permission, you are able to update your calendar view to see specific information you wish to see as you book and manage your holds, such as the status rank (hold 1, hold 2, etc), see ticket scaling or other notes that you've added to the event description, and filter to view only select specific rooms in your venue. Once you've got your calendar just as you like it, you may save your changes to a custom view. See more about customizing your calendar view in Create a Custom Calendar View.
- Notifications: If you are working on a team, email notifications can help you know what has been booked, updated, confirmed, or canceled, or if a potential double booking was added. To set email notifications, see Email Notifications About Activity in Your Account.
- Activity Log: You may also view all booking activity within a certain date range: view all holds booked, events confirmed, events canceled, potential double bookings, and more. You can also save custom views to see the information you need with just a click. See Global Activity Log for more info.
- Task Templates: Task templates are a set of standard tasks which can be applied to any event. For Bookers, an aging hold task template can be used to stay on top of aging holds and follow up with clients. We have sample task templates for Aging Holds and also for Concert Booking in the Task Template Gallery, as well as instructions for creating task templates and adding a task template as a default for each event you book.
- Space Usage: If you need to report on event days or wish to track load in/load out, be sure to set up Usage on your account. We've even had clients use this to track their target dates! Space Usages has more information.
Permissions: Make sure those who are booking have the correct permissions. See User Role Permissions for more context about these permissions:
- Venue Specific Access Highest Booking Capability should be set to Tentative if the person should only be able to place holds and to Definite if they should be able to confirm them.
- If you want to restrict who can double book, be sure that Allow Double Booking is set appropriately.
- View Hidden Event Details will control who can see events with hidden details (see the Visibility Settings bullet above).
- Event Visibility Settings controls who can hide or un-hide event details.
Before You Book: Artist Research and Avails
Artist Research
Purchasing the right talent is easy with integrated artist research. View social metrics and tour schedules from Pollstar and Chartmetric in one powerful analytic tool. For more information see Use Artist Research.
Sending Avails
If you have the Avails permission, your calendar includes an Avails view which is easily emailed directly from Elite. Avails show tentative and definite events as well as definite blackouts. You may choose to display hold ranks, event types, and confirmed event names if you wish.
- Custom Avails Views: If you have the Edit Private Saved Views or the Edit Shared Saved Views permission, you will also be able to customize the Avails calendar, specifying how you would like your events to display and which spaces should be included. Click the filter_list filter icon, and see Create a Custom Avails View for instructions.
- Custom Avails Headers: You can add a header logo and information to avails custom views. Each booker on your team can create their own view with their own contact information, or create a different header for each venue - simply save each header to its own view. Please see Create a Custom Avails Header for more information.
- Email your Avails: Select the avails view you wish to send and click the mail envelope icon. Email an Avails Calendar has step-by-step instructions.
- Download your Avails: To download a PDF of your avails calendar, select the view you want to download and click the cloud_download download icon. For instructions, please see Export an Avails Calendar.
- Avails List: If you would like to export a specific date range, only include certain days of the week, include event times, or edit your avails before sending, you can also copy a list of your avails and paste them into an email or other document. Click the list_alt list icon to get started; for more information, see Download an Editable Avails List.
- Calendar Views: If there is specific information you wish to share which isn't available on the avails calendar, you are also able to create a regular calendar view. If you wish to hide the event name, do not select it in the calendar display options (see Create a Custom Calendar View for more information on calendar views).
Book Holds and Events
Now it's time to get those events on the calendar! If you like to work on the monthly calendar, this is as simple as selecting your days and then clicking the event calendar icon in the lower-right corner to open the Create Event slider -- there are links below to step-by-step instructions to get you started.
- Book Holds and Events
- Place a House Hold: Would you like to place a hold on your entire venue? See Place a House Hold for more information.
- Series of Events: While events may be a single day or span several days, they are almost always concurrent days (an exception would be multiple holds for an event). A series is a group of related or recurring events, such as sports seasons, weekly staff meetings, or even the symphony season. Booking these events as a series allows each event to have its own distinct status and event details, while also having series-level information and access to view and mass edit events.
- Add More Dates or Rooms to an Event
- Conflict Checking: Elite warns you of conflicts and potential double bookings whenever you book or edit spaces. Conflict Checking walks you through those warnings.
- Blackouts and Internal Events: There is more going on in your building than just events! You can use Blackouts to block space when it cannot be used for events (maintenance, conversions, etc.). Confirmed blackouts will show on your avails, tentative ones will not. You may also use internal events to show staff meetings, trainings, and other venue-related events. Internal events, whether confirmed or tentative, do not show on your avails.
- Calendar Notes: Calendar notes are a great way to add an FYI to the calendar without blocking space. Calendar notes do not display on avails.
Sharing Scheduled Holds
You may wish to share with a promoter the holds which they have on the books. If you would like to list them in an email, open the summary slider on your calendar, go to the Spaces tab, and click the assignment clipboard icon.
In your email, press Ctrl + V (or ⌘ + V on a Mac) and the dates, spaces, and statuses will be pasted in:
You may also create a Hold Confirmation document, which you can download as a PDF or send from Elite. For instructions, please see Create Event Summaries, Hold Confirmations, and Other Event Documents.
Manage Holds and Confirming Events
Now that you have booked holds, you'll need to manage them: confirm dates, release holds, and update holds on those confirmed and released dates. You are able to manage holds on a single event or manage holds for a day across events.
Manage Holds on a Single Event
To manage holds for a single event, we recommend using the event's Edit Spaces slider. You can access this from the calendar. Click on an event to open its summary slider and go to the Spaces tab. Click the edit pencil to open the slider. For detailed instructions, see Confirm and Release Holds on an Event.
Manage Holds Day by Day Across Events
If you would like to manage holds for a specific day, use the Manage Day slider. On the month or grid calendar, click the date to open it. In this slider you'll see all booked spaces on this day, grouped by room and time.
This slider has action options which will allow you to manage your holds efficiently: Confirm and release holds, Release and promote holds, and Promote holds. See Manage Holds by Day for more information.
Viewing Released Holds
To view holds which have been removed, open the event's summary slider, and go to the Spaces tab. If any holds have been removed, you'll see a button to Show Removed spaces. Click the button to view the removed holds.
There's also a assignment clipboard icon you can click to copy and then paste the dates into an email or other document.
Holds by Promoter
If you have the Edit Private Saved Views or the Edit Shared Saved Views permission, you are able to see a list of all of your holds for each promoter by creating a custom event list filtered by the account. For more information on creating event list views, see Create a Custom Event List/Report.
Beyond Booking: Additional Live Entertainment Features
By designating certain event types as Live Entertainment, additional features will become available:
- Live Entertainment Types: Event types are designated as Live Entertainment in the Sys Admin section. We have instructions in Manage Event Types.
- Publicity Dates: Add announce, on sale, and pre-sale dates to events and series via the summary slider on the calendar or on the details page. These dates can be displayed on your calendar.
- Show Schedules: Build out a show schedule using functions, designate certain functions as performances, and display relevant schedule information on the calendar. You can also track ticket sales and other information per performance.
- Track Artists: You are able to add an artist to your events. This allows you to track how an artist performs in your venue, regardless of what the event is named. More info can be found in Add an Artist to an Event.
- Post-Show Reports: Report on ticket counts, revenue, and attendance for each performance in your events, as well as add notes from each department. Pull all this information to a report document that can be emailed from Elite. See Post-Show and Post-Event Reports for more information.