The global activity log is a list of all tracked actions which can easily be filtered by various criteria to create quick reports. You are able to save these reports as custom views, which allow you to easily view or export this data with just a few clicks.
Some notes:
- You may create as many views as you wish.
- Views can be shared with other users on a role-by-role basis. If you are sharing views, we recommend locking them so they cannot be changed accidentally.
- A list of tracked actions can be viewed in What is tracked in the activity log?.
- For some ideas how these views can be built, check out the Activity Log Gallery.
To create a custom activity log view, you will:
- Customize the filtering options to specify which functions display.
- Save the settings to a saved view.
You can then download the list/report.
Go to the Global Activity Log
- Click find_in_page Activity Log on the left.
Customize the Filtering Options
To customize the filtering options to specify which logs you see:
- Click the filter_list filter icon to open the Edit Filters slider.
Click for context
- In the Edit Filters slider you can:
- Select a date range.
- You may set a date range, select all days, or set a relative date range. Next 30 Days and Past 7 Days are preset relative date ranges, or you can set a custom relative date range.
- Select Relative Dates in the Date Range dropdown.
- Enter the start parameters:
- Choose an option from the dropdown.
- Enter the number of days relative to the prompt.
- Enter the end parameters:
- Choose an option from the dropdown.
- Enter the number of days relative to the prompt.
- The preview dates under the start and end parameters will update, allowing you to confirm your choices.
- You may set a date range, select all days, or set a relative date range. Next 30 Days and Past 7 Days are preset relative date ranges, or you can set a custom relative date range.
- Filter to only show actions performed by the selected users.
- Filter to only show specific actions. For a full list of available options, please see What is tracked in the activity log?
- Filter to only show actions for events within the selected venues. If your account only has one venue, this field will not appear.
- Select a date range.
- Click Set to apply your filters.
Save the Settings to a Saved View
- Click the + plus icon in the upper left to open the Create View slider.
- In the slider, name your view. You have the option to:
- Create a private view, which only you can see. (If you have Edit Private Shared Views permission, this is the only type of view you can create.)
- Create a shared view. To share a view, uncheck Private and select the roles which should have access. Be sure to select your own role, or you won't be able to see the view!
Each saved view is "owned" by its creator. If the owner's user account is deactivated, the saved view is no longer shown in the application and the ical feed is unpublished. This behavior is to ensure data security. To keep critical saved views, they must be copied to a new owner. See Copy a Saved View for instructions.
- Check Default view to make the shared view a default view for those roles.
- Lock the view. If you're sharing the view, we recommend locking it so others cannot change it accidentally. To make changes to a locked view, you will first need to unlock it.
- When you're done setting up the view, click Save.
- Your new view will now be the selected view.
- If you make any additional updates to your view, the Save and Clear icons will appear. Click the save save icon to save your changes or the clear clear icon to remove them.
Download the List/Report
To download the view to Excel, click the cloud_download cloud icon in the upper-right corner.