When you log in to Momentus Elite, are you seeing some odd things happen? We've heard reports from users such as:
- When I input my email address and press enter, the screen just resets itself and brings me back to the login screen.
- I am trying to log in but the email page is just refreshing when I enter my email address.
- At first I got to enter my email and it took me to the password box, but when I entered my password it just took me back to the login page again.
- When I log in, I am just taken to the wizard page each time.
If you see these behaviors, your user account may not have any roles assigned. The app is checking the level of access you have and not seeing any access at all, so you aren't being let in. Ask the System Admin at your venue to make sure that your user has the correct roles assigned and try logging in again. If you have roles assigned and still can't access the app, contact us.