When you log in to Momentus Elite, your email address acts as your username. Because of this, all user accounts in a Elite region must have unique email accounts. Normally this isn't an issue, but what if you need to log in to two different Elite accounts? This happens most often with our corporate accounts where venues in different locations each have their own Elite account but users at the corporate level need visibility into all of them.
The easiest way to create a unique email address without creating another email account is via an email sub-address. Sub-addresses are created by adding a plus sign and a tag
between the first part of your email address and the @ sign. Thus if you need to log into multiple venue accounts you could create Elite user accounts using these email addresses:
- education@gomomentus.com (the "real" email address)
- education+venuename@gomomentus.com
- education+othervenuename@gomomentus.com
Email sub-addresses are supported by Microsoft Exchange and Gmail, two of the most popular business email clients. Your administrator may need to enable a server setting to allow this. More information about sub-addresses and Microsoft Exchange can be found on the Microsoft Documentation site.
If you are unable to use sub-addresses, another option is to ask your IT department to create an email alias for you. This is an email address that does not have its own inbox; instead, emails sent to the alias go to your main inbox.