Are you a new user in Momentus Elite? Let's walk through what you can do to get the most from your account!
Bookmarks and Mobile
The most important thing, of course, is to be able to easily get to your account:
- On your computer, we recommend bookmarking the page you use most - for many users, this is the calendar. Log in, navigate to your favorite calendar view (month, grid, or day) and create a bookmark in your browser. We have instructions in Create a Bookmark. You can also create a shortcut for your desktop! See Launch Momentus Elite via a Shortcut or as a Browser App.
- On your phone or tablet, creating a home screen icon can make it easy to access your account on the go. Please see Create a Home Screen Icon for Your Phone or Tablet for step-by-step instructions. We do not have an app which you download from the app store; a home screen icon will serve the same purpose.
Email Signature
If your organization sends emails from Elite—whether those are ad hoc emails or emailing documents such as contracts or invoices—you are able to create an email signature which can be included in those emails. Manage Your Email Signature has step-by-step instructions.
Email Notifications
It's important to stay on top of what is happening in your venue, and email notifications in Elite can help. We have notifications for events being booked, confirmed, changed, cancelled, and more; these notifications can be filtered by venue and also by only events you are assigned to. We also have various task notifications. You can set your notifications by clicking your name in the upper-left corner and selecting My Settings; see Email Notifications About Activity in Your Account for instructions and more details.
User Defaults
Depending on your role, you are able to set various default settings, saving you clicks throughout your day. Most of the settings will save you time while booking events: visibility settings, times, rooms, space usage, and task templates. If you create event orders, we also have a default for you. To access your default settings, click your name in the upper-left corner and select My Settings. We have more information about each of the defaults in this section of the knowledge base.
Custom Calendar and List Views
On the calendar, you are able to choose what information to show for each event, filter which events display, and also update the color coding. Make your calendar your own! You are able to save all these changes to a custom calendar view, viewable only by you. You can also have as many of these views as you wish.
Some articles to help you out:
- Calendar Display Options
- Calendar Filtering Options
- Color Coding your Calendar
- Create a Custom Calendar View
Momentus Elite also has list views for Accounts, Contacts, Events, Functions, and the Activity Log and you are able to customize these views as well. Since the options are different for each view, we have a separate article for each one with more information:
- Create a Custom Account List/Report
- Create a Custom Contact List/View
Create a Custom Event List/Report
- We have an Event List View Gallery here.
- Create a Custom Function List/Report
- Create a Custom Activity Log View/Report
Webinars and the Knowledge Base
Many venues will train you in Elite as part of your onboarding process; it is important to know how your venue is using Elite so that information is entered correctly and will flow into different parts of the program and reports correctly. We have a Getting Started learning path available here. You can attend training sessions live (two trainings a week for nine weeks, with new sessions starting each month) or watch pre-recorded sessions to follow the same path on your own schedule.
In addition to the Getting Started learning path, we have an extensive online knowledge base filled with strategy and how-to articles (you're in it now!). Look for the starred articles at the top of most sections for an overview; these articles link out to specific how-to articles. Need quick help? A search should find you the assistance you need. You can also click the Help link in the left sidebar in Momentus Elite to open the Answerbot: click a suggestion or type your own question and follow the prompts.
We also hold regular webinars. See our webinar page for upcoming sessions.
That being said, if you can't find an answer in our knowledge base, you are welcome to contact us!