When you update the display options on your calendar, you can choose what information will display for each event as well as options for how events will display specific to the different calendar options.
To access the display options, click the storage settings icon in the upper-right corner of your calendar.
You are able to save your options to a custom view. See Create a Custom Calendar View for more information.
In addition to the display options listed in this article, you can also customize your calendar by:
- Color coding your calendar based on status, room, event type, business classification, or genre. See Color Code Your Event Calendar.
- Filtering which events and other information (internal events, blackouts, notes, publicity dates) show. Please see Event Calendar Filter Options on filtering.
In this article:
Event Information
At the top of the Display Options slider there are four fields containing options for information which you can display for each event. Click in the field and select the items you would like to see on your calendar.
Info: A list of event information such as event name, event ID, time, status, rooms, usages, functions, description, etc. The information is listed in the order it appears on the calendar.
- Because no-room functions are not attached to a room, they cannot be viewed on the grid or day view. In those views, each room row only displays information about that room.
- Because the grid and day views only display information about a room at the time it is booked for, a function's start time must fall within the booked space time in order for it to display on the calendar.
- Event-wide and multi-day functions cannot be displayed on the calendar.
- Event Tags: Choose event tags to display.
- Event Staff Assignments: Display who is assigned to the event in various capacities. This list is custom to your account (for more information see Staff Assignments for Events and Functions).
- Contact Roles: Display external contacts. To display a contact on the calendar, they must be assigned a role. These roles are custom to your account (for more information see Manage Contact Roles).
- Finance: Display the event's balance, revenue, and economic impact. The revenue will be the estimated revenue until the event is finalized — then it switches to the actual.
Calendar-Layout Specific Options
There are several options which are specific to the different calendars.
Month Calendar Options
- The Layout option allows you to select between spanning and single day events. Single Day Events will display each day of an event as a single-day block, while Spanning will show multi-day events as one spanning block.
Note that this setting affects how drag-and-drop functions! In spanning mode, the entire event moves. In single day mode, only the day you're dragging is moved. See Drag and Drop on the Monthly Calendar for more information.
Grid Calendar Options
- Like the monthly calendar, the grid Layout option has Spanning Events and Single Day Events options. It also has a Condensed option.
- Choose how many days you'd like in your view, from 1 up to 42.
- Choose to have combo rooms display. More information on how this option interacts with the filtering options is available in View Combo Rooms on the Calendar.
Day Calendar Options
- Choose the hours to show on your calendar (up to 24).
- As on the grid view, you may choose to have combo rooms display. This setting will need to be explicitly set on the day view (even if it is set on the grid view).
Save Your Options
Once you have updated your display options, click Set at the bottom of the display options slider.
Don't forget to save the changes to your view! If the view is locked, click the settings gear to open the details slider. Click the pencil to to open the Edit View slider and click Save.