You are able to add inventory items to your events. Inventory items can include any item you need to execute the event (tables, chairs, lights, staging, pipe and drape) as well as food and beverage (meals, coffee stations, snack breaks) and labor (box office or front of house staffing, security, housekeeping).
To add items to functions on an event:
- Click the name of a function to open its details slider.
- On the Items & Instructions tab, click the + plus icon by the department which contains the items you want to add and select Add Items. If you would like to add items from more than one department or would prefer not to scroll through your department list, you can use the plus at the top of the tab to open the Mass Add Items slider, where you can search for items across departments.
- Add a price schedule, if needed. See Add a Price Schedule to an Event for detailed instructions.
- If more than one price schedule on the event includes this department, click in the Price Schedule field to select the one you wish to use. If there is only one price schedule on the event which includes this department, this field will not appear.
- Click items in the left sidebar to add them to the function. If you need to add the same item more than once, click it in the left sidebar again. If you're looking for a particular item, you can search for it at the top of the sidebar. You can also select a specific category to filter by. On the Mass Add Items slider, you can also select a specific department.
If you're adding items on your phone or tablet, they will be listed below the list of items — scroll down to see them.
Add the quantity for each item. If the item has a default quantity added in Inventory, this will already be filled.
Alternatively, if you would like to have a certain quantity of an item for each person attending, you can check Use GTD Attendance and enter the number of items per person in the Qty. Per Attendee field. Once you've entered the guaranteed attendance for the function, the item quantity will update automatically.
Items using GTD will not be included for stock levels. For step-by-step instructions for adding stock levels, please see Real-Time Stock Alerts. - Add a time quantity to items which require it. Note that:
- If an item has a default time quantity in Inventory, this will fill automatically.
- If an item does not have a default, the time quantity will calculate from the function time.
- Both the default and the auto-calculated time quantity can be overridden.
- The cost and price will populate from the price schedule. You may update those if you wish and have the permission to do so (the permission is Detailing Edit Override Item Prices). Any changes made here will only affect the items on this function.
- If an item is for internal use and will not be billed to the client, check Unbillable. This item will not appear on proposals, contracts, addendums, or invoices, but it will appear on event orders.
- You can also optionally add dates and times for each item.
- If an item has a time quantity and you add a date or time to the item, its time quantity will recalculate based the date/time range you add.
- Please note that stock levels are calculated based on the days each item is in use, without consideration of times. For more information, please see Real-Time Stock Alerts.
- Add any notes about the item and/or a billing note, as needed.
- If you add an item in error, click its clear icon to remove it.
- When you have added all of your items, click Save.
- The items will be listed on the function details slider.