On an event you are able to change which price schedule its rental rates or item(s) are associated with. You may need to do this if pricing has changed since the event was originally detailed or if tax or service charge rates have changed.
Some notes before you get started:
- Rental rates can be switched easily, but items will need to be changed one at a time. Depending on the number of items involved, it may be faster to remove all the items and re-add them.
- If you aren't sure which price schedule items are from, contact us to request an Event Price Schedule Item Report which will list the event's items and their associated price schedules.
- When you change the price schedule for rental rates or items, they will be updated with the new price schedule's cost and pricing. If you have added custom pricing (especially if this has been negotiated with the client) be sure to note the original pricing before changing the price schedule. If you have a lot of items, you can download a current list of all charges on the Financials Details tab with their cost and pricing for reference.
Before you can change a price schedule on items or rental rates, the new schedule must be added to the event. On the event details page Overview tab, click the plus by Price Schedules, select the price schedule, and save.
Change the Price Schedule on Rental Rates
- On the Booking Rental Rates tab, click the edit pencil icon to open the Rental Rates slider.
- In the Price Schedule field at the top, choose the new price schedule. Rental rates on an event are all pulled from the same price schedule.
Selecting a different price schedule will update the rates with information from that schedule. If you have added custom pricing, be sure to note those amounts so you can add that information to the rate.
- Click Save.
Change the Price Schedule on Items
- On the Detailing tab, click a function to open its details slider.
- On the Items & Instructions tab, click an item to open its edit slider.
- In the Price Schedule field at the top, choose the new price schedule.
Selecting a different price schedule will update the item's cost and price with the cost and price in that schedule. If you have added custom pricing, be sure to note those amounts so you can add that information to the item.
- Once all of the item's information is correct, click Save.
- Repeat this process for all items which need to be changed to a different price schedule. Once all items have been updated, the original price schedule can be removed if needed.