Often you are able to save time and reduce errors by copying events and event information. You have several options for copying events, functions, and event information:
- Copy an event, selecting the information to copy
- Copy the functions, items, and instructions from one event to another
- Copy a function's details to a new function or an existing one
- Copy a day's functions and its details to another day within the same event
- Quick copy function information in the mass editor to a new function row
All tiers are able to copy events, but not all features listed are available in all tiers.
Copying an Event
If you have a client who is returning to your building, you may wish to copy their previous event rather than creating a new one. When you copy an event, the date/time range, booked spaces, and description will be copied. You can also choose how much other information is copied - all the functions and detailing, or just the event "shell."
To access the copy event slider, click the more_vert more info menu in the upper-right corner of the event details page or the event's summary slider on the calendar. We also have step-by-step instructions detailed in Copy an Event. See the bottom of that article for a detailed list of all event information and whether it will copy or not.
Copying Details from a Different Event
You are able to copy functions, their items and instructions from one event to another as long as they are booked in the same spaces. Please see Copy Details from One Event to Another for more information.
Copying Details from a Function to New or Existing Functions
If you have an event with similar functions, it may save you time to detail one function and then copy the entire function or copy just the details to an existing function. We have step-by-step instructions: Copy Details from a Function to New or Existing Functions.
Copy a Day's Functions to Other Days (with Details)
On the Detailing tab, you can copy multiple functions on a single day to one or more days within an event. It may be easier to build out a day of functions, then copy it to one or more days. This makes building out your functions faster and easier, especially for events that have similar functions happening from day to day. We have step-by-step instructions: Copy a Day's Functions to Other Days.
Quick Copy a Function (no Details)
In the function mass editor you are able to copy an existing function row to create a new function. Only the information you see in the editor will be copied, though! For more information, please see Function Quick Copy on the Mass Editor.