As you work in Momentus Elite, it is helpful to know how events are structured. This will help you book events in a way that makes the most of the software's capabilities and also help you find the information you need.
Events are the core entity of Elite and the only required event level. They generally (but not always) represent one contracted period of booking. This could be one conference, one hockey game, one corporate meeting, one Broadway show (with multiple performances), just for a few examples. Every event has an event details page which contains all event information and serves as your event file. Every event has both an event status and a contracting status (see All About Status for more information).
Every event (except for inquiries) will have at least one booked space. Booked spaces represent the individual reserved rooms or spaces of the event. Each booked space is a single room for a single day (a time range or all day). Rooms booked on multiple days will have a booked space for each day.
In addition to events, Series and Functions are used to organize your events and event information.
- Series can be used to group associated but separate events. Series are used for sports seasons, symphony seasons, Broadway series, regular venue meetings such as production meetings or sales meetings, or other recurring and related events. Grouping events into series allows you to mass edit certain event information as well as event booked spaces. Each series has a series details page where you can view and edit the series' events as well as add series-level information (announce and on-sale dates, documents, and notes). For more about series see Series of Events.
- Functions can be used to detail out the event schedule or timeline. Functions represent what is happening at a specific time during the event and can have inventory items, instructions, attendance, documents, and other information added to them. Functions are flexible: they can be assigned to a specific room or functions representing a point in time, such as when the venue doors open to the public, can be "no-room". You can also create an event-wide function to hold items and instructions which are not specific to a time or place. Functions have their own status: planning, ready, or canceled. See Building an Event Schedule via Functions (Webinar) and Detail Your Events for more information.
Let's take a look at some examples of how this event structure can be used.
The most typical examples are sports seasons and a series of performances, such as a Broadway series or an orchestra season.
A sample sports season
A sample Broadway season
It is not necessary to use all three levels for all events. For example, you may wish to add your weekly production meetings in a series, but there is no need to add functions since these events happen on a single day in a single room and no resources are needed.
One-off events, such as many conferences and private events, do not need to be added to a series. They often will have multiple functions to show the event schedule and contain all of the necessary details needed to successfully execute the event.