You are able to view and download a detailed breakdown of event charges. This can be useful to confirm the items on the event and to check that taxes, service charges, and costs are set-up correctly and are on the right items. The download can be helpful to confirm that GL codes have been added to all items. You might also use this download to analyze the data or to filter to a specific date or item if a customer wants to dispute or has questions on a particular charge on a complex event.
You are able to view each event's charges on the event details page. Go to the Financials tab and then the Details sub-tab. In the Charges card each charge is listed with its price and quantity as well as any tax, service charge, discount or adjustment.
To export this information to Excel, click the cloud_download download icon in the Charges header. GL codes will be listed in the export.
If you would like a list of charges across all events in a date range, go to the Reports page and click Event Charges in the Misc card on the right. In the slider select your date range and click Download.
When downloading event charges from the Reports page, you'll see this warning in the slider:
Event charges are listed by the date of the charge's event, not by the date of the charge. If the export date range includes any of an event's days, all its charges will be included.
If you would like to export charges with more date precision, please contact us to discuss report options.