Payments are recorded on accounts; you may also associate them with specific events or exhibitions. While a payment's event/exhibition association can change, it cannot be moved to a different account. A payment can be recorded from an account's details page, an event's details page, or an exhibitor's slider.
- Open the Create Payment slider from the:
- Click Financials.
- Click the + add icon for Payments.
- Click Financials.
- Click Payments.
- Click the + add icon for Payments.
- Click Financials.
- In the Create Payment slider, add the payment information:
- Payment account. If you are adding the payment from the account page or the exhibitor slider, this cannot be changed. On the event details page, only accounts associated with the event will be listed.
- Payment date
- Payment amount
- Payment type (if your account has payment types added)
- A reference number (optional)
- Any notes about the payment (optional)
- In the Events section, you will be able to associate the payment with an event. If you are on the event details page or exhibitor slider, the event will already be selected. Click the edit pencil icon to open the Events slider.
- Type in the event name to search for your event and select it. Note that only events associated with the payment's account will appear.
- Click Save.
- If the account has any invoices with a balance due, those invoices will be listed. You have a couple options for allocating the payment:
- Type in the amount you would like to allocate towards each invoice.
- Click the blue arrow to allocate the payment to the invoice.
If the payment is more than the invoice balance, a menu will appear.
- Invoice Balance will allocate an amount from the payment that matches the remaining invoice balance.
- Remaining Payment will apply the unallocated amount of the payment to this invoice.
If the amount applied to the invoice is greater than the invoice balance, a warning warning icon will appear. You will still be able to save and can then follow the workflow in the Refunds article to issue a refund.
- Type in the amount you would like to allocate towards each invoice.
- Click Save.
- The payment will be listed with an overview of its details.
- Click the payment to open its details slider and view payment details. Here you can also:
- Click the mail envelope icon to send a payment receipt.
- Click the picture_as_pdf PDF icon to preview or download a payment receipt.
- Click the edit pencil icon to edit any payment information.
- Click the more_vert menu icon then Void to void the payment.