Event Financials
- Event Financials
- Financials Overview (Webinar)
- Accounts Receivable Workflow (Webinar)
- Tracking Revenue (Webinar)
- Accept Online Invoice Payments
- Add a Payment
- Add an Invoice Schedule to an Event
- Add and Edit a Payment Schedule
- Add Charges to an Invoice Schedule
- Add Estimated Revenue to an Inquiry, Prospect, or Event
- Additional Revenue and Expenses
- Allocate a Payment or Credit
- Apply an Overall Event Discount
- Associate and Invoice Third-Party Accounts with Events
- Create an Account Credit from an Overpayment
- Create an Ad Hoc Credit
- Create an Ad Hoc Deposit Invoice
- Create an Estimate
- Create an Invoice
- Create an Invoice Schedule Template
- Deposits vs. Payments
- Discounts and Adjustments: Reducing the Amount a Client is Charged
- Download Event Charges
- Edit a Credit
- Edit a Payment
- Edit an Invoice
- Edit an Invoice Schedule
- Event Adjustments
- Finalize an Event
- Handling Financials When an Event is Lost/Canceled