Once all charges have been applied to an event, you may finalize it. Click the Finalize Event button on the Financials > Summary tab:
In the event's activity log, we track when it is finalized (and also if it is un-finalized):
You can be notified when an event is finalized. Click on your name and go to My Settings to add a notification, or see How can I know when an event is finalized? for step-by-step instructions.
Once an event is finalized, several things happen:
- The event's bookings and financials are locked. You are still able to create invoices and add additional revenue, but you are not able to:
- make any changes to booked spaces or event status
- change the rental rates
- make any changes to functions or event-wide details
- add, edit, or remove adjustments
- On the calendar, actual charges will display instead of estimates
- The event's contract status will switch to its payment status