You are able to create an ad hoc credit on accounts. This could be a credit due to issues with a previous event, a sponsorship where the sponsor is paying X amount rather than being billed, and so on. If you need to create a credit due to an overpayment, please see Create an Account Credit from an Overpayment instead.
To create a credit:
- Go to the credits section on either the:
- Account details page Financials tab.
- Event details page Financials Payments.
- Account details page Financials tab.
- Click the + plus by Credits.
- In the Create Credit slider, add the credit information:
- Credit account. If you are adding the credit from the account page, this cannot be changed. On the event details page, only accounts associated with the event will be listed.
- Credit date
- Credit amount
- Credit type (if your account has credit types added)
- Any notes about the credit (optional)
- In the Events section, you will be able to associate the credit with an event. If you are on the event details page, the event will already be selected. Click the edit pencil icon to open the Events slider.
- Type in the event name to search for your event and select it. Note that only events associated with the credit's account will appear.
- Click Save.
- When all credit information has been entered, click Save.
- The credit will be added.
- Click on the credit to open its details slider and view credit details. Here you can also:
- Click the mail envelope icon to send a credit memo.
- Click the cloud_download download icon to download a credit memo.
- Click the edit pencil icon to edit any credit information.