You are able to update the invoice document without editing the invoice. Open the invoice details slider and click the more_vert more info menu. Select Update Invoice Document.
To edit an invoice:
- Open the Invoice / Exhibitor Invoice slider from the:
- Click Financials.
- Click the invoice you want to edit.
- Click Financials.
- Click Invoices.
- Click the invoice you want to edit.
- Click Financials.
- In the slider, click the edit pencil icon.
If you don't see the edit pencil icon, the invoice has been sent. It must be marked as not sent before you will be able to edit it. As marking an invoice unsent is a specific permission, you may not see that option.
- In the slider, edit the invoice information as needed. You may:
- Update the billing contact, due date, purchase order number, description, or invoice template.
You may not edit the billing account. If the invoice was created using the wrong account, it will need to be voided and created with the correct account.
- Edit the events included in this invoice. Click the edit pencil icon to open the Events slider. If you're editing an exhibitor invoice, this field will be Exhibitor, instead. Like the invoice's account, this cannot be changed. If the invoice was created for the wrong exhibition, it will need to be voided and created for the correct one.
- Select the event or events you want to associate with this invoice.
- Click Save.
- Click Select Charges by each event to select charges for the invoice.
- On the Select Charges slider, select the charges you would like to include on this invoice. To make selecting certain charges easier, you may group the charges by date or department. Items will note their function (or event-wide details). Rental rates will note their usage. If you invoiced for deposits, each deposit invoice will be listed. Select any deposit invoices you would like to apply to this invoice.
- Once you have selected all charges and deposits to be included on the invoice, click Select.
- If the account has any unallocated credits or payments, you can allocate them to this invoice.
- Click the edit pencil icon by Credits or Payments to open the Allocate Credits or Allocate Payments sliders, respectively.
- Click the edit pencil icon by Credits or Payments to open the Allocate Credits or Allocate Payments sliders, respectively.
- In the slider, you have a couple options for allocating the payment or credit:
- Type the amount you would like to allocate to the invoice.
- Click the arrow to allocate the payment/credit to the invoice. If the payment is more than the invoice balance, a menu will display.
- Invoice Balance will allocate an amount from the payment that matches the remaining invoice balance.
Remaining Payment will apply the unallocated amount of the payment to this invoice.
If the amount applied to the invoice is greater than the invoice balance, a warning warning icon will display on the Edit Invoice / Edit Exhibitor Invoice slider. You will still be able to save and can then follow the workflow in Issue a Refund or Credit to issue a refund.
When you are finished allocating, click Save.
- Type the amount you would like to allocate to the invoice.
- Update the billing contact, due date, purchase order number, description, or invoice template.
- When you have finished updating the invoice, click Save.