Momentus Elite has an interactive aging report. To view it, go to the Reports page and click on Aging Report.
This report is a part of the Elite application and cannot be customized.
Information Displayed
The aging report lists all overdue invoices, grouped by account (clicking the account name will open the account's details page). For each invoice, it lists:
- The invoice number. Click the invoice number to open the invoice's details slider.
- The invoice date and due date.
- The event or events whose charges are included on the invoice. Clicking on the event name will open the event's details page.
- The amount of the invoice.
- The balance due.
- How overdue the invoice is.
Invoice Details
In the invoice details slider, you are able to see more information about the invoice. You can also:
- Re-send the invoice by clicking the mail envelope icon (step-by-step instructions are available in Update Invoice Status: Send/Mark as Sent).
- Download a PDF to your computer by clicking the cloud_download download icon.
- You are also able to edit the invoice - see Edit an Invoice for more information.
Exporting the Report
If you would like to export the aging report to Excel, click the cloud_download download icon in the upper-right corner.