This article will walk you through editing incomplete tasks.
With completed tasks, only the result can be edited. For more information, please see Edit the Result of a Completed Task.
- Click the incomplete task you want to edit to open its details slider.
- Click the edit pencil icon to open the Edit Task slider.
- In the slider, you can:
- Update the task's title.
- Select a different task type.
- If your account does not have task types set, you will not see this field.
- If the task was created when your account didn't have task types, but now it does, you will need to select a task type before you can save any other changes to the task.
- Select a different due date or due time.
- Update or remove the account, event, or contact that is associated with the task. If associated with any of these, the task will also appear on that event/account/contact's task tab.
- Begin typing the name of the account, event, or contact. A list of search results will appear and filter down in real-time as you type.
- Click a result to add it to the task.
- If an account is selected, the contact field will automatically filter to only contacts within the selected account.
- If both an account and an event are selected, they must already be associated.
- Type the name of the new account.
- Click Create '[Name]'.
- Select a lead source.
- Select a market segment.
- Enter an address. (Optional)
- Select an address type. (Optional)
- Type the name of the new contact.
You will not be able to select an existing contact because they are already associated with a different account.
- Click Create '[Name]'.
- You can optionally add additional information to the contact:
- A salutation
- A separate first and last name. These can be used if you export a contact list for an email list or display these separately in your document templates.
- An email address and type.
- A phone number and type.
- Tags.
If you create a new account for a task, you will not be able to select an event for the same task.- Begin typing the name of the account. A list of search results will appear and filter down in real-time as you type.
- Click a result to add it to the task.
- Type the name of the new contact.
- Click Create '[Name]'.
- You can optionally add additional information to the contact:
- A salutation
- A separate first and last name. These can be used if you export a contact list for an email list or display these separately in your document templates.
- An email address and type.
- A phone number and type.
- Tags.
- Assign the task to (or unassign it from) any number of users.
If the task is assigned to a staff assignment, you may manually assign it to a user. The task will retain its association with the staff assignment, though, so any changes to the staff assignment on the event will update the assignment of the task.
- Update or remove the description.
- When all of your changes have been made, click Save.