Permissions needed: Exhibitor Ordering Edit
- On the event's details page, go to the Exhibitors tab and click Configure Exhibition.
- Enter the start and end date of your exhibition - these are the dates which will display in your exhibitor store for this exhibition. In addition, if you are tracking stock levels, these are the dates for which the items will be considered in use.
- Choose the invoice and service order templates you would like to use for this event, and select the document format (PDF or DocX) for the service order. If no templates are listed, please contact us.
The file format option will only be available on documents being created with the Insights templating system. Insights documents in DocX format can be edited in the Elite editor while Insights PDFs cannot. Non-Insights templates always create documents as PDFs but those PDFs can be edited in the Elite editor.
- If you are not using the online exhibitor store, click Save. If you are using the store, continue with the next steps.
If your exhibitor store is not activated, the following steps will not be available. For more information about how to set up the exhibitor store, please see
Online Exhibitor Store Setup.
- Add online store configurations:
- Check Require Booth Number if exhibitors should be required to add their booth number. If this is checked, exhibitors will not be able to complete an order without adding a value to this field.
- Enter the last date to order as the store close date, and add a closing time as well (optional). This is the date and time when the event will no longer display on your website.
- Select Available for Online Ordering. Note that you will need to select price schedules before orders can be placed.
- Add any store-wide instructions which should display as a banner at the top of this event's exhibitor store.
- Click Save.
- Click the add plus icon by Price Schedules.
- Select a price schedule from the drop down.
- Enter when the price schedule should become active. A date is required, but a time is optional (if you don't enter a time, it will become active at midnight). The price schedule will stay active until another price schedule's start date or the store close date.
- Click Save. You may also add additional price schedules as needed.
- Your exhibition is ready to go! Contact us for a link that you can add to your website which will link to a page listing all available events. When you would like to post this event, click the pencil icon by Setup and check Available for Online Ordering. You may also share the direct link to this event with your client, which they can pass on to their exhibitors.
- In order to accept online orders, you will need to set up a payment gateway.
- When an order is placed online via the exhibitor store, the order is added to the exhibition in Elite, an invoice is created, and a payment is created and allocated to the invoice.