Orders placed in the online Exhibitor Store will automatically be added to the event's order list. Any exhibitor contacts who are already in your database will be matched based on email address, and any new exhibitors and contacts will be created. For more information, please see Online Exhibitor Store Setup.
To add an order for an exhibitor:
- Go to the event's details page.
- Click Exhibitors. (Depending on your resolution, you may need to scroll right to see the tab.)
- Click the Exhibitors sub-tab.
- Click the exhibitor to open its details slider. If it hasn't been added to the event yet, please see Add an Exhibitor to an Event for directions.
- Click the + add icon by Orders to open the Add Exhibitor Order slider.
- In the slider, you can optionally:
- Update the booth number.
- Select a different Order Contact.
- Select a different On-Site Contact.
- Select a different Price Schedule. (Only price schedules that have been added on the Exhibitors Setup tab will be available.)
- Click the edit pencil icon to open the Edit Items slider.
- In the slider:
- You can narrow the items down by typing a search term.
- Select a category to exclude items in other categories.
- Click an item to add it to the order. You can add an item multiple times in case you need to charge different rates.
- Set the quantity of each item on the order. You can also edit the items' costs and prices as well as add or update the item note. If you need to remove an item from the order, click the clear remove icon.
- Click Save to add the items.
- Click Save to add the order.
- The order has been created. Click it to open its details slider.
- To download the service order, click the cloud_download download icon in the upper-right corner.